Part II – 3 Tips During Naming To Ease The Process
In this second part of the trilogy we’ll give you another 3 tips for a smooth naming process. Have you done your homework, do you have the decision makers around the table and are you ready with a positive and open mindset? Right then, try to keep the following three rules in mind during naming. Whether you do it yourself or hire a pro.
1. A name can’t say everything
The name is an important part of your brand but it’s only the tip of the iceberg. It can only communicate one, maybe two or if you’re lucky, three of your values or characteristics. Don’t expect the name to do all the work. Be specific and make a choice which values to represent in the name. They should be the most important characteristics or benefits of your business or product. Don’t worry, there are plenty of other ways to communicate what you have to say like your tagline or descriptor, logo, website and advertising.
2. Don’t fall in love immediately
Love at first sight does exist, but most names have the habit of growing on you. And that’s perfect. The names we’re showing you, survived first checks. But the world is bigger than that so live with other possibilities rather than just focusing on one name. Wait until the name is researched in detail and registered before you show the name true love. We understand that’s difficult when she’s pretty.
3. Don’t Let Taste Rule
If we let personal opinions and taste rule naming, we won’t get far. Because everybody has one, or two. The name is not for you personally, although sometimes it feels like picking a name for your baby. This name needs objectivity. It should fit your business’ strategy, personality, tone of voice, etc. The name should do a lot, but it should notrepresent your personal taste. Of course, there’s always a bit of love and hate and gut feeling, but let’s not allow our personal taste to overrule the naming process.